Classroom Fun

We use ABC Mouse in our classroom as a learning aid and interactive learning for the kids using our mobile touch-screen computer. We have bi-weekly worship with the kids minister Pastor Kurt. This is a fun time of worship and interacting with each other and learning about God. The preschool loves to go on field trips, we go to a local pumpkin patch in the fall, the Zoo in the spring, and an end-of-the-year picnic at the park. The PreK also goes to the Art Museum during the school year for a hands-on art experience. Bike Day is another fun activity we have in the fall and spring. Pajama day is always a favorite during P week, the PreK celebrates with a 100th day of school party as well as Christmas and Valentines Day Parties, Grandparents Day, Donuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom to name a few of the fun special activities to add to our daily classroom fun. 

Summer Fun

During the summer we take weekly trips to the local parks and splash pads. We also go swimming weekly. The School age group goes to the library for reading programs. The preschool group attends many of the local library summer activities such as musicians, puppet shows and magicians. We also turn our playground slides into a water slide and have sprinkler fun on days when we are not on a field trip.